Data Driven Insights:

Our Passion, Your Success

The most successful people use us.

25+ Country

    we can work and help in any country  

5+ languages

    we’ve worked with clients in 11 languages

5+ weeks

        We offer a six-week money-back guarantee  

Not sure from where to start?

We appreciate how hard it can be to buy statistics & Data Analysis services, so here’s how we’ve made it easy and risk free

Don’t worry. We’ll analyze your project challenges and recommend whichever techniques will have the greatest, and suitable methodologically .


Agencies, Companies

Rest assured, we will assess your business challenges and recommend the most effective and appropriate methodological techniques for your needs.

Here’s how we can help your success:

  • We can become your “Remote Team manager,” working alongside your team. This way, we don’t just grow your business, we develop your in-house capability by training your staff “on the job.”
  • Alternatively, we can do all the work for you—even work and analyze remotely your data , preparing reports directly on your computer using TeamViewer and Zoom.
  • Or we can do anything in between.

If you’re an agency, we can make your clients happier, more profitable and able to help your  own clients—as we have already done for many other agencies.


Students, Researchers

1. You contact us, letting us know what you need.

2. We’ll review your project to identify whether we’re a good fit for each other. We recommend whichever techniques will have the greatest, and suitable methodologically .We do this because whenever we take on a new client, we take on all the financial risk. By the six-week mark, you must be confident that we’re on track to get you amazing results (if we haven’t done so already), or we’ll give you a full, prompt refund of 100% of the fees you have paid us—no questions, no conditions, no small print.

3. If we feel that we’re a good fit, we’ll discuss how we’ll approach your project.

Why wait? contact us now.

On your Online consultation, one of our experts will discuss the following:Your project goals ,How our methodology could best be applied to your project,The questions and insights you need to deal with your project.Stats4edu is aggressively moving beyond expectation to deliver the high quality work.

Note: There’ll be no commitment or obligation to use our services.

Right actions, winning results

With Stats4edu, Our team provides the best Statistics ,Machine Learning (ML) & Data Science services you need to help you successfully meet your project  planning goals and deadline . also testing and optimizing your coding and providing excellent writing & reporting services. It’s why Stats4edu clients are great winners.  

“Stats4edu makes the data work for you! Insights make data actionable so you can know what to say and as we say : Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”

Anna C'laudy

Data Officer, LIRUE



Popular Statistics Services

Get the best Statistics & Data analysis services you need to help you successfully meet your project planning goals and deadline

Book a Consultation at a fixed price and Get advice on how statistics can be used best

Talk to a Supervisor who can help you scope out the steps and specific skills that your project will need.We've got you covered from proposal to publication

(Thesis,Dissertation, Paper)

We’re looking for clients to add to our long list of success stories

We have helped to success clients in 39 countries in +5 languages.


Stats4edu offer for students

Students with a verified .edu email account are eligible for a Financial Support  (up to 250$) under some conditions. The discount will be applied to the first project order (excluding any renewals or Consultation booking). Students who have ordered a Project help, Supervision  within the last 6 months are not eligible for the discount. Offer only valid on future actions, not applicable to past payments. Discount shall be void and no longer valid if, for any reason, the order, or your right to use the services, is canceled, terminated, and/or suspended. One discount per customer/individual/entity. Contact support for more details .