Stop Guessing. Start Knowing with Consultants and Experts you trust.

The 1st place for anyone from anywhere to get any help in Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Science.

Whether you’re looking for an online or in-person statistics assistance to complete your assignment, exam, thesis or research paper…

From small projects to complex initiatives, we can help.

Who we are, and why we can help

We’re The world’s leading consulting specialized in Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Science for Education(Stats4edu)—a term we coined in 2014.

We get great results, which is why we are highly regarded by students and researchers from top universities worldwide.

Our team members aren’t your usual consultants; they are successful Cambridge PhD scientists, as well as former heads of agencies and research centers.

We guarantee our work. We offer a six-week money-back guarantee. You must think we’re a good fit, or we’ll give you a full, prompt refund.

Our leading edge Statistics implementation methodology and quality services - proven to drive the best results and success.

What we do

Statistical Assistance

Quantitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Data Visualization and Descriptive Summary
Data Science
Machine Learning
Hypothesis Testing
Categorical Data Analysis
Time Series Analysis
Experimental Design

Data Management

Data Collection
Data Entry (Excel, SPSS...)
Data Cleaning
Data Extraction /ETL
Data preparation
Outlier Detection
Missing Value Analysis
Data Reliability and Validity Testing

Survey samples

Questionnaire Design
Pre-test and Pilot Survey
Online Survey Creation (LimeSurvey, Survey Monkey, Qualtrics Survey, Google Form)
On-Site Survey/Questionnaire Administration (only available in some countries like Switzerland and USA)
Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Demographic Analysis

Methodology Development & Writing

Introduction Chapter
Literature Review
Problem Conceptualization and Research Questions Formulation
Research Methodology
Data Analysis Plan
Power Analysis and Sample Size Computation
Fieldwork Guidance
Results and Discussion
Editing &Proofreading (only for Statistics or Maths work)

Statistics & Maths Programming

Checking and Debugging the existing codes
Writing New and Efficient R code , Pyhton code , SAS code and stata code.
Creation and Development of R Libraries
Translation of codes from one software package to another (from R to Python and vice versa, R to STATA, or STATA to Python,etc).
Monte Carlo Simulation

Statistics & Maths Tutoring

Statistics Teaching (Private tutor or Group tutor)
Maths Teaching (Private tutor or group tutor)
Software Teaching (Python, R, SAS, STATA, Amos, SPSS, SMARTPLS, Mplus and more )
Importing & Cleaning Data
Fitting Statistical Models to Data
Data Manipulation and Analysis

Thesis/Manuscript Review and Scrutiny

Review of Thesis/ Manuscript and provision of expert opinion
Technical audit
Grammatical Evaluation and Correction
Evaluationof the Data Analysis to align with Research Objectives
Comprehensive Scrutiny of the statistical aspects of the work
Alignment with formatting requirements and Citation Style
Thesis writing
Dessertation writing
Exam preparation


Msc / PhD Thesis Supervisor
Data Analysis Supervisor
Statistical Programming Supervisor
Academic Supervisor
Personalized/Private Supervision

Training (Learn best by doing)

Online Training
On-Site Training

What we do

Statistical Assistance

Quantitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Data Visualization and Descriptive Summary
Data Science
Machine Learning
Hypothesis Testing
Categorical Data Analysis
Time Series Analysis
Experimental Design

Data Management

Data Collection
Data Entry (Excel, SPSS...)
Data Cleaning
Data Extraction /ETL
Data preparation
Outlier Detection
Missing Value Analysis
Data Reliability and Validity Testing

Survey samples

Questionnaire Design
Pre-test and Pilot Survey
Online Survey Creation (LimeSurvey, Survey Monkey, Qualtrics Survey, Google Form)
On-Site Survey/Questionnaire Administration (only available in some countries like Switzerland and USA)
Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Demographic Analysis

Methodology Development & Writing

Introduction Chapter
Literature Review
Problem Conceptualization and Research Questions Formulation
Research Methodology
Data Analysis Plan
Power Analysis and Sample Size Computation
Fieldwork Guidance
Results and Discussion
Editing &Proofreading (only for Statistics or Maths work)

Statistics & Maths Programming

Checking and Debugging the existing codes
Writing New and Efficient R code , Pyhton code , SAS code and stata code.
Creation and Development of R Libraries
Translation of codes from one software package to another (from R to Python and vice versa, R to STATA, or STATA to Python,etc).
Monte Carlo Simulation

Statistics & Maths Tutoring

Statistics Teaching (Private tutor or Group tutor)
Maths Teaching (Private tutor or group tutor)
Software Teaching (Python, R, SAS, STATA, Amos, SPSS, SMARTPLS, Mplus and more )
Importing & Cleaning Data
Fitting Statistical Models to Data
Data Manipulation and Analysis

Thesis/Manuscript Review and Scrutiny

Review of Thesis/ Manuscript and provision of expert opinion
Technical audit
Grammatical Evaluation and Correction
Evaluationof the Data Analysis to align with Research Objectives
Comprehensive Scrutiny of the statistical aspects of the work
Alignment with formatting requirements and Citation Style
Thesis writing
Dissertation writing
Exam preparation


Msc / PhD Thesis Supervisor
Data Analysis Supervisor
Statistical Programming Supervisor
Academic Supervisor
Personalized/Private Supervision

Training (Learn best by doing)

Online Training
On-Site Training

What we offer

Face to Face Consultation

Meet us in one of our offices ,(Switzerland, France, USA), to discuss your needs and the way how we assist you.

Personalized Consultant

Talk to a consultant that knows your work process, plan, and right statistics method suits your work.

Flexible Delivery

Onsite or online we are with you every step of the way.

Custom Training

Qualified Statistical consultants well equiped specifically for you / your team.


Prove your skills and land your dream job with one of our certifications.

Events organization

We organize periodeically Online Events and workshop , also onsite at univeristies , research center …etc 

Our Mission


We are obsessed with finding out everything there is to know about converting Data into insights . 


Making Statistics & Coding very simplified and accessible to everyone.


Academic Development of statistics. Statistics for Academic Development.

“This Team is wonderful, they did a very good job, very efficient, commuted and flexible. They have very good communication skills and able to understand statistics and accommodate the requirement ,Mindblowing result, Highly recommended them and  will definitely hire them again.”

Ova bart

PhD candidate, Australia

Join the 50,000+ global customers thriving with Stats4edu

We have helped to success clients in 39 countries in +5 languages.


Stats4edu offer for students

Students with a verified .edu email account are eligible for a Financial Support  (up to 250$) under some conditions. The discount will be applied to the first project order (excluding any renewals or Consultation booking). Students who have ordered a Project help, Supervision  within the last 6 months are not eligible for the discount. Offer only valid on future actions, not applicable to past payments. Discount shall be void and no longer valid if, for any reason, the order, or your right to use the services, is canceled, terminated, and/or suspended. One discount per customer/individual/entity. Contact support for more details .